Wednesday 10 August 2011

Research and make notes on at least three music artists from different genres.

Ed sheeran- He is trying to portray himself as a young, funky, cool dude with a serious talent, quite a bit of his music is sad but he is a fast growing superstar. 

In this video his is trying to show how some teenagers get addicted to drugs and will end up doing anything to get there hands on them. Its a pretty sad song with real emotion coming out of it.  The reason why she is dressed like she is because her carrying round a sleeping bad over her shoulder and blurred make up down her face give the impression she's sad, struggling with life and got know where to live. It set in a major city somewhere probably london as you don't normally find people like this in little villages they normally come from major cities. The shot used are used very effectively for example when its a focusing on her sitting down outside a shop why millions of people travel passed and don't even give her a second look. He has also had the video edited so its black and white also so that some of his shots are not that great positioned wise to give off the effect that parts of it have been done unprofessional.

Here are 3 of his album front covers.

If you look at all 3 they are all quite funky and a bit graffiti like. This is because he is trying to single himself out from the normally mainstream so he has clearly taken a different approach towards things. When he plays live he makes a lot of his stuff just off the top of his head which the crowd loves unlike lots of artists have a set song and may extend it live but don't just add loads of bits to it randomly off the top of there head and make it sound good live Ed Sheeran does.
This is a story about his debut single which shows off how relaxed and cool guy he is as he isn't rubbing it in to everyone that it got to number 3 in the charts and I'm sure he will have many more songs in the charts in upcoming future.

Eminem- He is portraying himself as someone who has grown up from a hard background and started out with nothing and now arguable the biggest rapper in the world.

This is the music video 'Lose Yourself' one of Eminem top hits in this video he is linking the words with what is happening in the video, it relates to his film as well '8 Mile'. He is dressed in baggy clothes to give off the impression that he is poor and come from a hard background.

This is one of his new songs 'Not Afraid' in this video he is showing himself still as a bit of a gangster but one that has made it instead of one trying to make it. You can tell this by him wearing nice clothes but also when he is downstairs rapping in the basement it links back to him coming up from a hard background and making something of himself. When he begins to fly this is showing that nothing can stop him. The shots are quite fast to match the tempo of the song and there all relating back to him as he is the main focus of the video. The editing in this video is done very well as if you watch the video everything fits in well, its moves smooth with effects used. 

Here are 2 album front covers. 

In both albums it is a picture of him but trying to show off how he is a gangster and come from the hood, neither front cover is a clear picture there both like paintings to give a graffiti effect. In both albums his slight lines are staring directly at you so you connect with him. The second album cover title blends in well with the picture to make it look like one big painting on a wall and the first one just looks like a sticker stuck on the bottom left hand corner. Both covers are very masculine and powerful to show off who he really is.

If you look at some of his concert sets he is normally dressed in baggy clothes to give off the impression he is from a poor background even though know he is seriously wealthy. But by relating back to the hood he gains appeal from the audience. He has played huge concerts all over the world so for him to change his image now it just wouldn't work for the public as rap is always related to gangster coming from poor backgrounds.

Eminem has been in the press so many times about all different things but to say the least he is one of the most successful artists that is around today with a ridiculous amount of fans and won so many awards for his music.

You Me At Six- They are a English rock band from Surrey. They portray themselves as a young rock group who like to travel around playing good music.

In many of there video they are playing a gig somewhere like lots of other similar bands from the same sort of genre of music. The song is titled 'Underdog' and during the video it is showing an underdog and the mess that he has made, as he leaves his girlfriend for a pretty one but he just wouldn't have expected to be good enough for the prettier girl which it turns out he is. Then she goes off dancing and comes back and starts to kiss her boyfriend again to make the other girl jealous. It is all about a guy who has caused trouble between two girls. The shots jump from the story going on at the same time as You Me At Six play live. The story is taking place at the concert there is just know one else around apart from them. They have added a red tint for effect and editing so that there album cover is merged into the background behind them while they play there gig for greater audience appeal.

Here are 2 album front covers from You Me At Six.

As you can in both covers there not displaying the band in anyway shape or form but however they are showing off the bands name very clearly in both so fans know even though there faces are not on the cover there name is. There both quite colorful covers to catch the audiences eye.

There stage set up is pretty basic like every other rock band but this photo was taken from Reading 10' which i was actually at and they were incredible live.

The stories that is going around at the moment is about the new album coming out in October.

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