Friday 1 July 2011


Richard Dyer is a theorist and is basically saying stars are not real people as they are made up from many different aspects, he is saying that the star we see on tv, on youtube, in the news, on the internet and in their music videos are made up from other things. He said that the stars we see are partly made up from what the audience wants them to look like for instance with a rock band they want to see a fair bit of black in there, normally wearing jeans and t-shirts/polos so the audience can relate to them also how the producer would like them to look as the producer has a fair bit of input of making the stars we see. They control how the star looks in front of cameras, in interviews etc so how the media would like to see this star. So the stars we see are nothing like how they are in real life the star is created up by many things so the star is famous and people look up to them. I'm going to use this information in our group piece by making sure when we select what sort of genre we do that we include certain things that the target audience would like to see within the video so it is successful.

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