Thursday 22 September 2011

Similar Products To Ours.


Here are two songs that are very similar to ours. The first video is Matchbox Twenty - 3Am and its has a lot of freeze frames and black and white shots used throughout the video to add emphasis on certain parts of the video. It is quite like our song as the lyrics of our song is about chasing a girl and the lyrics of 3Am is about being up that late and lonely. There is a lot of long shots used to show the lead singer move around and how he feels and there telling the audience that basically there not the only ones out there that is alone.

The second video is a bit more like our video as its about he explaining how he would rather be with this certain girl. In this video there is a familiar actress which will create greater appeal to the audience for this song. This is a narrative but cutting back to him with his acoustic guitar and when we did our audience research we found out that most the people that listen to this genre list a narrative along side a mini performance. The cutting rate is very slow to go along side the soft nature of the song.

From looking at these two music videos I think we should take the idea of having a mini performance of some description along side a narrative within our music video, with a slow cutting rate as our song is very soft and we would like to locate it in a pretty area due to the softness of the song, possible Cambridge. We may use the idea of flicking from colour to black and white as lots of acoustic indie artists do it.

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