Sunday 16 October 2011


Audience Engagement: As we are targeting an indie acoustic genre the ways in which the audience would normally interact with this particular genre would be to follow the fashion sense and attitudes of the artist, sing along and be motivated to play there own acoustic guitar.

Audience Expectations: Indie acoustic audience expectations would to be see normally a solo artists performing, cross cutting with a narrative of something that is going on in his life which also amplifies the lyrics of the song. In some cases they may be a direct illustration of the lyrics. We plan to amply our song as a direct illustration is more for falling in love or losing someone. Ours is based upon him wanted to 'Hold' his girlfriend.

Audience Identification: They ways in which we plan to get our audience to connect to our artists and our music video would be to include certain conventions that are often shown in similar music video within our genre. We will start by including a performance cross cutting with a narrative, we will include a checked shirt and a acoustic guitar. We will show our artists directly expressing his attitude and lifestyle so audience members can relate to him and connect with out artists.

Audience Placement: This is the little bits that are included within a music video to make the audience specially feel its for them, we plan to do this by including certain aspects like nike shoes, a battered acoustic guitar and a indie girl to phrase our target audience and they will realise that our music video is for them.

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