Saturday 15 October 2011

Audience Analysis/Research

We are going to carry out a small survey by asking individuals that are interested in indie acoustic and gain valuable information from their thoughts on the genre and what they expect from the genre.
We are going to ask questionees if they think these aspects should be included in our music video we will then rank them out of 10 depending on how many people said that aspect should be included.

1. Favourite props included within an indie acoustic music video?
a) Acoustic Guitar 9/10
b) Rugged Clothing 5/10
c) Microphone 3/10
d) Ciggarettes 4/10
e) Diary 3/10
f) Smart/Casual Clothing 8/10
g) Trainers 8/10

2. Favourite Settings within an indie acoustic music video?
a) A City 9/10
b) Countryside 6/10
c) Fields 4/10
d) Forest 3/10
e) Studio 7/10
f) Beach 5/10
g) Cafe 6/10

3.Audience Preference?
a) Narrative on it's own 5/10
b) Performance on it's own 5/10
c) Cross Cutting between a narrative and a performance 9/10

4.How the lyrics are related to the video?
a) Disjunctive (no obvious link to lyrics) 2/10
b) Illustrative (the narrative to the video is literal, could be classes as denotations) 6/10
c) Amplifying (performance and narrative are not always literal but you can interpret the links between the lyrics and the video, can be classed as connotations) 7/10

5.Effects/ideas which are similar to other artists in our genre
a) Ed Sheeran - The A Team (Black and white, Shots which are sped up to show time passing) 7/10
b) Joshua Radin - Id rather be with you (Cross cutting between his and her day, Narrative) 9/10
c)  Frank Turner - Photosynthesis (Dark studio room) 8/10
d) Frank Turner - The Road (interacting with fans) 5/10
e) Ed Sheeran - You need me (artist does not appear in the video as the main focus) 2/10

Analysis of our results

1. In question one we had Acoustic Guitar with a score of 9 out of 10 which is ridiculously high and shows to us this is the key prop that needs to be included within an indie acoustic music video this is why we will include this in our music video for our A2 Coursework. We did not use many factors like the Diary and the Ciggarettes and they were not scored high enough, but we did use the idea of Smart/Casual clothing and trainers as we found out that jeans, polo shirts, checked shirts and nike trainers especially nike dunks were our audiences preferences.

2. In question two we looked into the audiences favourite locations on where our music video will be based. The option of a City was the most popular choice with our audience followed up by a  performance in a Studio from this it would be unwise to not include these locations. Other locations which also seemed quite popular were the Countryside and a Cafe which both equally scored 6/10 from this we know that we have to include these two locations in some way but these will not be the main focus of our video.

3. In question three there was a clear winner which was Cross Cutting between a narrative and a performance. This shows that we have to include this in our music video as it is what our audience want to see.

4. In question four we asked our audience how the lyrics should relate to the video there was not a decisive outcome but there was two with similar results which were Amplifying and Illustrating this shows that we should use both of these methods of relating our lyrics to our music video.

5. From our results the effects we plan to include are:
  • Ed Sheeran - The A Team (Black and white, Shots which are sped up to show time passing) We are going to pick this effect because we think it will be effective and make our music video more unique as we think that the effect used in Ed Sheerans video is powerful so we would like to replicate this within our own video.
  • Joshua Radin - Id rather be with you (Cross cutting between his and her day, Narrative) This is a key idea that we want to include in our music video as we want a clear narrative and many acoustic artists use this convention. We also would like to illustrate our lyrics within part of our music video to show how the writer of the song is feeling about his girlfriend.
  •  Frank Turner - Photosynthesis (Dark studio room) This idea was the second highest scored which means our audience would love to see this idea put into place. They would like to see a performance aswell as a narrative this is why we will use this idea.

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